![]() | An easy, flexible, 35-minute musical play for grades 3-7. Comes with the script, audio recording (with both a vocal and instrumental version of each song), and a teacher's guide. No music or drama experience needed! |
![]() | ✓ Funny script ✓ Catchy tunes ✓ Flexible casting ✓ Dumb jokes
This hilarious play uses favorite Wizard of Oz characters to delve into the intricacies of conflict resolution. Learn more! |
Musical Play: “Munchkin Mediation”
Complete Script & Audio: $45 (other items also available)
We sell wonderful, short, funny plays and musicals for use in your classroom, after-school program, drama club, music class, summer school program, homeschool, and any other place where kids can thrive by participating in theater! If you are not familiar with us or how to use theater to teach, check out our Q&As.
It’s one year later and all the famous characters have returned to Oz. They’ve been having trouble readjusting, and their quarrels have led to the throwing of more than one yellow brick. With the usual memorable tunes and silly humor, Munchkin Mediation introduces and reinforces strategies for controlling anger, using “I-statements,” active listening, sharing perspectives, and finding win-win solutions to conflict.
Preview the script and songs!Key Concepts
Munchkin Mediation is a great complement to your curriculum resources in character education and problem-solving. And, like all of our plays, this show can be used to improve reading, vocabulary, reading comprehension, performance and music skills, class camaraderie and teamwork, and numerous social skills (read about it!) -- all while enabling students to be part of a truly fun and creative experience they will never forget!
Aligned with national standards! View the standards and vocabulary.Publication Info
Author: Ron Fink (Composer) and John Heath (Book and Lyrics)
© 2010
Bad Wolf Press, LLC
10 reviews for Musical Play: “Munchkin Mediation”
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The Show
We want you to know what you're getting, so the cast list and first third of the script are available here! Bad Wolf shows are written for flexibility and can be edited however you like to meet the needs of your actors, school, curriculum, parents, astrological chart, latest whim, etc. If you have questions about the portions of the script not shown, please contact us.
Flexible casting from 11-40 students. Use as many Munchkins, Flying Monkeys, etc. in each scene as desired. Actors can easily play several roles, or a single role can be divided between multiple actors. All parts can be played by any gender.
Munchkins (3)
Wicked Witch of the East
Flying Monkeys (4)
Wicked Witch of the West
Good Witch of the North
Tin Woodsman
Winkies (3)
and a CHORUS composed of all students who are not playing roles on stage at the time.
This is the first one-third of the script.
Song 1
(CLASS gathers on stage. music begins. Individual students step forward and speak.)
STUDENT A (spoken in loud, clear voice):
You all know the story
How Scarecrow got a brain
Lion got some courage
The witch went down the drain.
STUDENT B (spoken in loud, clear voice):
Dorothy’s back in Kansas
Tin Woodman has a heart
Think that’s where it ended?
No—that is just the start.
’Cause one year later
They’re fighting tooth and claws
One year later
They’ve all come back to Oz…
Because they need some
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins know it all
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins stand up tall.
STUDENT C (spoken in loud, clear voice):
Dorothy snaps at Toto
And Toto barks right back
Lion and Tin Woodman
Are mad and talking smack.
STUDENT D (spoken in loud, clear voice):
Scarecrow’s throwing tantrums
The wizard has a twitch
There are restraining orders
On every single witch.
’Cause one year later
They’re fighting tooth and claws
One year later
They’ve all come back to Oz…
Because they need some
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins know it all
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins stand up tall.
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins know it all
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins stand up…
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins know it all
Conflict Resolution
Munchkins stand up tall.
They stand up tall
They stand up tall
Tall, tall, tall, tall
Tall, tall, tall, tall.
(TWO MUNCHKINS are talking to each other. Another MUNCHKIN (#1) runs on stage towards them, excited.)
MUNCHKIN #1: Hey, have you heard? Dorothy’s come back to Oz! She’s here right now in Munchkin Country.
MUNCHKIN #2: Toto too?
MUNCHKIN #1: Toto too.
MUNCHKIN #2: Man, I HATE that dog.
MUNCHKIN #3: You can’t hate Toto. Nobody hates Toto. He’s the cutest dog ever.
MUNCHKIN #2: Cute? He thought I was a chew toy.
MUNCHKIN #3: That was an accident.
MUNCHKIN #2: An accident! He tried to bury me in the back yard.
MUNCHKIN #1: Would you guys listen up? ALL the old Oz folks have come back. They’re having troubles and need to learn how to solve their problems.
MUNCHKIN #3 (proudly): Well, we Munchkins ARE the world’s experts in conflict resolution.
MUNCHKIN #2 (looking off stage): Hey, who’s that? It’s not Dorothy or her pit bull, is it?
MUNCHKIN #1: No, it’s the Wicked Witch of the East.
(WICKED WITCH of the EAST enters. She is represented by Two Actors, each of whom holds one of her legs in front of him/her—they ARE the legs. The Actors take turns speaking her lines.)
WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST: Well, don’t just stand there staring.
MUNCHKIN #3: Sorry. But you’re, uh, well…you look like two legs.
WICKED WITCH of the EAST: I AM two legs. That’s all that’s left—I was the victim of a hit and run house. Now I’ve returned to punish that little brat who landed her bedroom on me.
MUNCHKIN #1: You can’t really blame Dorothy for that.
WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST: Oh I can’t, can’t I? I’m a witch. It’s my job to cackle a lot and go after innocent little girls from Kansas.
MUNCHKIN #2: That’s a cool job.
WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST: And it’s got a nice 401k. But it’s hard to enjoy retirement when you’ve been FLATTENED. I’m going to get even with that reckless little twit. I’ll teach her to drive a house without a license.
MUNCHKIN #3: I can understand why you might be upset.
WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST: UpSET?! I’m not upset. I’m irate! I’m furious!! I’m PEEVED!!!
MUNCHKIN #1: You’ve got to settle down. The first step in managing conflict is to calm down. Take a big breath. Go on.
(WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST takes a giant breath.)
MUNCHKIN #2: There. That’s better, isn’t it?
MUNCHKIN #3: Are you still mad?
Song 2
Am I mad?
Well let’s see—
Someone dropped a house on me!
And nothing nothing nothing but my feet were sticking out.
Sure I’m mad
I see red
There’s a farmhouse on my head!
It makes me want to cast a spell and punch and kick and shout!
You gotta calm down
You gotta calm down
Gotta keep two feet upon the ground
There is no doubt
To work things out
Take a big breath ’cause you gotta calm down.
But I’m mad
And I’m back
And I’m on that felon’s track
I’m gonna search until I find that creep
who stole my shoes.
When I do
I’ll show grace…
Drop a condo on her face
It’s time that stinkin’ rotten little Dorothy paid her
You gotta calm down
You gotta calm down
Gotta keep two feet upon the ground
There is no doubt
To work things out
Take a big breath ’cause you gotta calm down.
Take a big breath…ah…’cause you gotta calm down.
WITCH OF THE EAST (spoken): I see your point. I’ve got
to calm down
before I can solve any problems.
MUNCHKIN #1: Try counting.
MUNCHKIN #2: Until you feel your anger has cooled.
MUNCHKIN #3: Or until you pass out.
WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST: Okay, I’ll give it a try.
(SHE starts to exit, counting slowly; she gets mad towards
end of line)
One…two—two legs, which is all I have because of THAT
(catches herself)
Er…three…four…five—five toes on two legs
and no fingers because THAT SNEAKY
(catches herself, starts over)
Uh…one, two, three, four…
MUNCHKIN #1: I’m not sure the counting is going to do it.
MONKEY #1: Did someone say something about counting?
MONKEY #2: We LOVE math.
MUNCHKIN #2: What are you flying monkeys doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be flying or something?
MONKEY #3: We were. But we heard you talking numbers. Are you going to do some algebra?
ALL THREE MONKEYS: Flying Monkeys LOVE algebra.
MONKEY #1 (with enthusiasm): If Monkey X is flying east at 40 miles an hour…
MONKEY #2: And Monkey Y is flying west at 30 miles an hour…
MONKEY #3: And Monkey Z is flying north at 50 miles an hour…
ALL THREE MONKEYS: Then: how long does it take to ditch Monica?
MUNCHKIN #3: Who’s Monica?
MONICA (enters, out of breath): Hey guys! Where’d…ya…go?
MONKEY #1: She’s my little sister.
MONICA (angry): You ditched me…on…purpose!
(SHE raises his fist and starts toward MONKEY #1; the other
MONKEYS get in her way)
MUNCHKIN #2: That’s no way to solve a problem.
MONKEY #2: It was just a joke, Monica.
MONICA: You guys are all creeps.
MUNCHKIN #3: Insults aren’t going to help. You have to use “I-Statements.”
MONICA: Okay. “I” think you guys are all creeps.
MONKEY #1: That’s not what he means, Monica.
MONKEY #2: You remember the formula we were talking about the other day, don’t you?
MONKEY #3: It’s our patented equation for solving problems. Here, we’ll go over it again.
Song 3
When you do X, I feel Y, so what I’d like is Z.
When it comes to solving problems that’s our recipe.
When you’re in a conflict here’s the formula that’s
When you do X, I feel Y, so what I’d like is Z.
MONKEY #1 (spoken to MONICA): Try it, Monica! Tell us what’s wrong.
When you fly off to the sky and keep your plans from me
I feel sad and short of breath and need some oxygen
So I’d like an invitation every now and then
When you do X, I feel Y, so what I’d like is Z.
Now that was perfect
We never knew
Now that was perfect
Now it’s clear what to do!
When you do X, I feel Y, so what I’d like is Z.
When it comes to solving problems that’s our recipe.
When you’re in a conflict here’s the formula that’s
When you do X, I feel Y, so what I’d like is Z.
(FLYING MONKEYS all exit.)
MUNCHKIN #1: Hey, I think I see Dorothy coming.
MUNCHKIN #2: And Toto too?
MUNCHKIN #1: Toto too.
MUNCHKIN #2: I’m outa here.
(runs off)
MUNCHKIN #3 (shouting after him): He’s had his shots!
(DOROTHY and TOTO enter. THEY are arguing, talking over one another and interrupting.)
DOROTHY: See, Toto? You scared off that poor little Munchkin.
TOTO (begins speaking on “off”): Just because I buried him once out in the backyard—that’s what dogs do.
DOROTHY (begins speaking on “backyard”): Would you let me finish a sentence before you jump in and start talking and interrupt me?
TOTO (begins speaking on “start”): You always interrupt me.
MUNCHKIN #1: Whoa! Hold on you two!
MUNCHKIN #2: You can’t keep interrupting each other.
MUNCHKIN #3: You’ve got to try some active listening—really try to hear what the other person is saying and take turns.
DOROTHY and TOTO (together): But it’s his/her fault!
(This concludes the first one-third of the script.)
The Songs
Click on any song to listen to a snippet. Click the cart icon to purchase any track for $1.
Common Core and Other National Standards
Language Arts
- Common Core Reading Standards for Literature: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
- Common Core Reading Standards: Foundational Skills:
- Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
- Common Core Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use -3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
- Common Core Standard 10: Range, Quality & Complexity:
National Core Arts Standards
- Music - Anchor Standards 4-6
- Theater - Anchor Standards 3-6
- Dance - Anchor Standards 1-6
General Vocabulary Building
a humbug
relish (vb.)
down the drain
fight tooth and claw
to “snap” at someone
talk smack
restraining order
hit and run
see red
drive without a license
pay one’s dues
to “ditch” someone
pick a fight
green with envy
fenny snake
stick like glue
rush hour
break into song
special interest group
to “get one’s drift”
to “pen” a
follow through
pay off
cave under
percent of gross
Janet Anders –
This was a fun play to perform! The message was excellent, the play’s dialogue and music were humorous and fun to do, and the length of the play was just right! I have been a play director for over 20 years and this is one of the best I have done. I highly recommend this play.
Brigitte (verified owner) –
I'm presenting this musical again with a new group of students and always love how easy they are to adapt and use as a non-music person. The songs are so catchy and all I have to do is hum a tune to remind students about the mediation skill. I've even overheard students using the verbiage with each other.
This group wanted to play the music as an overture while the audience is being seated so I purchased the score.
Lisa B. (verified owner) –
What a surprise to return to Oz and help teach lessons about conflict resolution. Munchkin Mediation was a rewarding opportunity for middle school actors to play iconic characters, give munchkins significant roles, and learn strategies for disputes! The songs were fun and catchy and I've already had students request a sequel.
Winkie Jamail (verified owner) –
I want to thank you for the wonderful plays you create. Not only are the scripts and music uplifting, educational and FUN …
You are VERY AFFORDABLE for a teacher who is pioneering the idea of educating through the arts. We are in the pilot stage, meaning we are in the "out of pocket" phase, LOL. THANK YOU!!!
Also, the fact that you ALLOW EDITS is FANTASTIC! Our PSC kids love being a part of the creativity in the interpretation of the script.
The parents were thrilled and above all … the kids LOVED LEARNING and PERFORMING.
Jeanette Boynton (verified owner) –
I have taught theatre classes and directed shows for over 25 years. My last "big gig" was at a visual and performing arts charter school where we bought shows from New York, had a musical director, choreographer, lights, sound, budget, the whole shebang. For the past four years, I have been at a tiny charter. I had never actually even heard of Bad Wolf before I got here, but your material was highly recommended so I took a "chance" on your stuff. BRAVO! What fun!! I think this latest show is my fourth or fifth (of yours) and I have been equally impressed with all of them.
Your shows are hilarious, well-written, musically diverse, and appropriate for both minimalistic OR "extended" interpretations. We always go big with your shows, renting a venue, working on them for several months and even throwing in some choreography, fun set pieces, and character development goals. Thank you for writing material that is so much fun to teach and direct. One of the best compliments that parents always give is that each student-actor is allowed to shine. The writing is such that there aren't really any leads AND the chorus parts can be expanded to delight over-achieving directors such as myself.
JWeisbart (verified owner) –
What can I say? My students loved this play. It’s hilarious and the songs are great. The audience couldn’t stop laughing at parts. I especially like the lessons learned. I highly recommend this play.
Cathy Foxhoven (verified owner) –
Munchkin Mediation…Conflict Resolution in Oz </i>gives students, parents and teachers some valuable lessons about how to handle conflicts. This is cleverly executed in the characterizations and songs. I was even able to use the steps outlined throughout the play for leadership workshops in an organization I belong to!
Kari (verified owner) –
This play was funny, songs were terrific and the message was just perfect with many different options for conflict resolution. I have had my 5th graders perform a Bad Wolf Press musical for the past 7 years and this one was the best one yet!
Play Director (verified owner) –
I think it's a fun way to teach kids about how to handle conflict. I think there should be some kind of sum up at the end where the characters go over all the situations and resolutions in brief because people remember the first and last thing they see. Also, the intended audience is young and reminders are always good. I also think they should rewrite the ending song to talk about how they solved their problems instead of just having a shorter version of the beginning.
Leslie C. (verified owner) –
We used this for summer camp for kids ages 5-13. It worked very well. The resolution techniques are quite helpful– i plan to use them in my marriage LOL! The songs are catchy and (mostly) not too difficult.