Musical Play: “Cinderella: A Modern Makeover”

Complete Script & Audio: $45 (other items also available)

(3 customer reviews)
What is this? An easy, flexible, 35-minute musical play for grades 2-6. Comes with the script, audio recording (with both a vocal and instrumental version of each song), and a teacher's guide. No music or drama experience needed!
Story & Content Funny script ✓ Catchy tunes ✓ Flexible casting ✓ Dumb jokes
This modern take on the classic features a clean-freak Cinderella hoping to land a job in the Prince's environmental department. Learn more!
100% Money-Back Guarantee

We sell wonderful, short, funny plays and musicals for use in your classroom, after-school program, drama club, music class, summer school program, homeschool, and any other place where kids can thrive by participating in theater! If you are not familiar with us or how to use theater to teach, check out our Q&As.

CLICK HERE TO ORDER (complete play, replacement audio, sheet music)

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  • The Complete Play - License Type *

    WHAT'S INCLUDED? Everything you need to put on the play: script, audio recording, and teacher's guide. The audio recording includes two versions of each song: a vocal version for learning the songs and an instrumental version for performance. Sheet music is a separate, optional purchase that you can add to your order below.

  • Format *

    We offer both downloadable and physical/printed versions of our plays.

    • - The downloadable version includes a PDF of the script/teacher's guide and an MP3 file for each track of the audio recording.
    • - The printed version is a spiral-bound book with audio CD inside.
    • - For the most flexibility, choose the duo version and get both formats at a big discount.


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Download Version (PDF/MP3s) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Physical Copy (Spiral-Bound Book/Audio CD) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Duo Version (Download + Physical Copy) Original price was: $90.Current price is: $60.


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  • License #2 - Format *

    We offer both downloadable and physical/printed versions of our plays.

    • - The downloadable version includes a PDF of the script/teacher's guide and an MP3 file for each track of the audio recording.
    • - The printed version is a spiral-bound book with audio CD inside.
    • - For the most flexibility, choose the duo version and get both formats at a big discount.


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Download Version (PDF/MP3s) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Physical Copy (Spiral-Bound Book/Audio CD) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Duo Version (Download + Physical Copy) Original price was: $90.Current price is: $60.


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  • License #3 - Format *

    We offer both downloadable and physical/printed versions of our plays.

    • - The downloadable version includes a PDF of the script/teacher's guide and an MP3 file for each track of the audio recording.
    • - The printed version is a spiral-bound book with audio CD inside.
    • - For the most flexibility, choose the duo version and get both formats at a big discount.


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Download Version (PDF/MP3s) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Physical Copy (Spiral-Bound Book/Audio CD) $45


    “Cinderella” Musical Play – Duo Version (Download + Physical Copy) Original price was: $90.Current price is: $60.


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  • Site License Format *

    We offer both downloadable and physical/printed versions of our site licenses.

    • - The downloadable version includes a PDF of the script/teacher's guide and an MP3 file for each track of the audio recording. These can be distributed to all teachers at your school or site.
    • - The printed version comes with three spiral-bound books, each with an audio CD inside.
    • - For the most flexibility, choose the duo version and get the downloads plus three physical copies of the book/CD set.


    “Cinderella” Downloadable Site License $90


    “Cinderella” Physical Site License (3 copies of Book/Audio CD) $90


    “Cinderella” Site License Duo (Download + 3 Physical Copies) Original price was: $180.Current price is: $150.


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    • Please provide the NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS of each teacher/director so their downloadable products can be delivered to them. (If you ordered only the printed version, you may skip this field.)

  • Extra Audio Options *

    • It never hurts to have backup CDs and/or the downloadable audio recording on hand!
    • Want copies for students? 10+ CDs are $5 each and 10+ audio downloads are $3 each.

    “Cinderella” Audio Recording Download (MP3s) $12


    “Cinderella” Audio CD $12


    “Cinderella” Audio Recording Duo (Download + CD) Original price was: $24.Current price is: $20.


  • Sheet Music (Optional) *

    • Sheet music is optional, but it is essential if you plan to perform with a piano or guitar (or other!) accompaniment rather than using the audio recording.
    • - For this play, the sheet music is a Lead Sheet (includes melody and chord symbols, no notated accompaniment).

    “Cinderella” Sheet Music Download (PDF) $12


    “Cinderella” Printed Sheet Music $12


    “Cinderella” Sheet Music Duo (Download + Physical Copy) Original price was: $24.Current price is: $20.


  • Extra/Replacement Audio Recordings *

    • Replace a broken or skipping CD, get the audio recording in MP3 format, or get both!
    • Want copies for students? 10+ CDs are $5 each and 10+ audio downloads are $3 each.

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  • Sheet Music *

    • Sheet music is optional, but it is essential if you plan to perform with a piano or guitar (or other!) accompaniment rather than using the audio recording.
    • - For this play, the sheet music is a Lead Sheet (includes melody and chord symbols, no notated accompaniment).

  • Name of User/License Holder *

  • Email of User/License Holder *


Cinderella's friends are worried--she spends all day cleaning and talking to rodents! A wicked family must be to blame. But that's not it--this sanitary heroine just wants to clean up the world. When she learns that the Prince is looking for a director of his new environmental program, she knows she's the best candidate. But everyone in town, including Cinderella's stepsisters, wants the job too! Will the help of some animal friends and the Fairy Godfolks be enough to land Cinderella her dream job?

Our fractured, contemporary Cinderella is a modern counterpoint to the traditional story. Students can compare and contrast our tale with other versions they are studying or already know. What are the differences in plot? Theme? Desires and motivations of the characters? And what makes Cinderella stories so timeless? The play fulfills heaps of Language Arts standards, but it's equally suited to be a standalone, just-for-fun show. Preview the script and songs!

Key Concepts

Cinderella: A Modern Makeover is a great complement to your curriculum resources in language arts and social studies. And, like all of our plays, this show can be used to improve reading, vocabulary, reading comprehension, performance and music skills, class camaraderie and teamwork, and numerous social skills that they are learning about in the play itself (read about it!) -- all while enabling students to be part of a truly fun and creative experience they will never forget!

Aligned with national standards! View the standards and vocabulary. 

Publication Info

Author: Lisa Adams and John Heath (Book and Lyrics) and Mike Fishell (Music)


© 2014
Bad Wolf Press, LLC

3 reviews for Musical Play: “Cinderella: A Modern Makeover”

  1. Carol Davison

    I produced this show with a very diverse group of students in grades 4-7 as an extra-curricular club. It was fantastic – what I love about this show was that there was something for everyone! Being based on a well-known story made it accessible for all audience members and the modern twist gave it interest and relevance. I LOVE all the Bad Wolf plays and have recommended them to hundreds of colleagues. As an educator you don’t need to be a drama or music specialist to bring a high-quality show to your students. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if I could give it more than 5 stars, I would!!

  2. soodoo132 (verified owner)

    I recently purchased the music for Cinderella. We loved performing this wonderful musical for over a hundred and fifty family members! The experience brought the class together in unity. We focused on speaking in such a way that the guests in the audience would hear every word. We succeeded and the families loved watching it! Thank you again, Bad Wolf Press. I have done 4 plays with this brand and the kids ALWAYS learn, grow, gain confidence and have a BLAST!

  3. Lisa B. (verified owner)

    I used this with a musical theatre camp for 5th – 8th graders. The kids enjoyed the different characters, nuances, and the overall modern take. The songs are fun and catchy and it was a great experience for all.

Add a review

The Show

We want you to know what you're getting, so the cast list and first third of the script are available here! Bad Wolf shows are written for flexibility and can be edited however you like to meet the needs of your actors, school, curriculum, parents, astrological chart, latest whim, etc. If you have questions about the portions of the script not shown, please contact us.


Flexible casting from 11-40 students. Use as many Friends, Godfolks, Advisors, etc. in each scene as desired. Actors can easily play several roles, or a single role can be divided between multiple actors. All parts can be played by any gender.


Fairy Godfolks: Godmother, Goduncle, Godfather (aka Bert)
Animals: Rat, Mouse, Bird
Prince Reginald
Electronic Devices: Glass Tablet, Cell Phone, Laptop

and a CHORUS composed of all students who are not playing roles on stage at the time.


This is the first one-third of the script.

(NARRATORS enter and face audience)

NARRATOR #1: Hello, and welcome to our show. Before we begin, we have a few announcements. First, this is a performance of the musical play, Cinderella: A Modern Makeover. If you are here for the squid-wrestling competition, that's down the hall in room C12.

NARRATOR #2: Now, about the show. This is an updated version of the classic tale. It was mostly a budget thing. We could afford either fancy period costumes or donuts after rehearsals. We opted for the donuts.

NARRATOR #1: So we figured, hey, why not mess around with the whole thing? Who's gonna notice? So let's get it started with Cinderella and a few of her friends.

NARRATOR #2: Oh, and one other announcement: absolutely no photography or audio recording during the performance.
(significant pause)

BOTH NARRATORS (loudly): Just kidding!
(One of them pulls out a cell phone; THEY put their arms around each other, make big cheesy smiles, and take a selfie. THEY Exit. CINDERELLA and FRIENDS enter. CINDERELLA happily cleans with a feather duster or broom or spray bottle of window cleaner or, well, you get the idea.)

FRIEND #1: See, that's just what we're talking about, Cinderella.

CINDERELLA (cheerily): What?

FRIEND #2: You and your cleaning! Don't you think it's just a little obsessive?

CINDERELLA: But I love to keep things tidy. Is there anything more wonderful than the shine of a polished spoon or the calming scent from an air-freshener plug-in?

FRIEND #3: Really, Cin, you need to get out. Come to the mall with us.

CINDERELLA: The mall! That would be great!

FRIEND #1: Really? You'll go?

CINDERELLA (lost in happy plans): Sure! There are so many things that need serious scrubbing there! I could probably spend a month just on the tables at the food court.

FRIEND #2: You're missing the point! The only time we ever see you these days is online, and even then you usually log off as soon as you're done cleaning the screen.

CINDERELLA: I'm sorry. It's just that cleaning is my passion. And I've sort of found some new friends around the house.

FRIEND #1 (upset): Those are not friends! Those are rodents!

CINDERELLA: Well, technically they're not all rodents. Some of them are birds.

FRIEND #3: Oh please, Cinderella! Won't you listen to us?

Song 1

Listen to a sample!

Cinderella, we're worried
You never go out

Well what could be better than scrubbing this grout?

Cinderella, we're worried
You're covered with grime

I just cleaned six chimneys and had a great time!

We know it's hard to hear this...but try to hear us out...

You need an intervention
You need a wake-up call
This lifestyle isn't healthy
It's time to go AWOL.

Your family must be wicked
To push you to this point
You need an intervention
You need to blow this joint.

Cinderella, we're worried
You're talking to rats

They get in the crannies; they clean all the slats!

Cinderella, we're worried
You're sniffing these fumes!

My natural cleansers have no harsh perfumes!

(spoken) I know you won't believe me...but try to hear me out...

I don't need interventions
I'm very happy here
My family isn't wicked
My rodent friends are dear.

I'd love to scour the planet
But service starts at home
So if you're finished talking
I need to buff this chrome.
Please let me buff this chrome.

(FRIENDS exit, CINDERELLA continues cleaning, doesn't notice entrance of her STEPSISTERS. THEY are excited; STELLA holds a newspaper.)

STAR: This is our chance! Read it again, read it again!

STELLA (noticing CINDERELLA, to STAR): Wait just a minute.
(SHE points to CINDERELLA, who is happily buffing away. SHE then addresses CINDERELLA in an overly sweet fashion.)
Oh, Cinderella! I'm so glad you're here. The most dreadful thing has happened. I just noticed a smudge on the bathroom mirror!

CINDERELLA (horrified): A smudge?! Oh no! Don't panic! I'll take care of it! A smudge!

STAR (to STELLA): Good thinking. I love my stepsister, but let's face it...she's weird. So go on, read it again!

STELLA: It's right here on page one of the Royal Times.
(Reading from newspaper)
"His Highness, Prince Reginald...

BOTH SISTERS (each covers her heart, swoons a bit, and sighs dreamily): Prince Reginald...

STELLA (collects herself, continues to read): "...solicits applications for director of his new 'Let's Go Green' agency. Candidates should have a demonstrated interest in cleaning up the environment. Interviews will be held ________ [fill in today's day of the week] in the royal palace with Prince Reginald."

BOTH SISTERS (more swooning): Prince Reginald...

STAR (suddenly, whining): But Stella, I don't want to get a job. I like doing nothing. I'm good at doing nothing. It's my gift.

STELLA: Mine too. But we won't have to do anything. We just have to meet the prince.

STAR (still whining): But Stella, I don't even care about the environment.

STELLA: Me either. I don't even like our hybrid car. It sneaks up on you without making any noise.

STAR (whimpers): I know! I think it's trying to KILL me.

STELLA: But never mind that. We have more important things to think about...
(SHE points to the newspaper)

BOTH (swooning again): Prince Reginald!

Song 2

Listen to a sample!

I was born to be a princess
I was born to be a figurehead

STELLA: I look good in gowns

STAR: I look great in crowns

I have that regal touch
For doing nothing much.

I was born to be a princess
I was born to be adored by all

STELLA: Wearing fancy clothes

STAR: Looking down my nose

And look, just there I gave
A perfect royal wave.
(THEY give the sad wave of royalty on floats)

STELLA: A castle!

STAR: A prince!

STAR AND STELLA: I've been planning it since

STELLA: I was five

STAR: I was four

And now I've got a scheme.

STELLA: The servants!

STAR: The food!

I don't want to be rude
(pointing at each other)
But you're cramping my fairy tale dream!

I was born to be a princess
I was born to be a figurehead

STELLA: I look good in gowns

STAR: I look great in crowns

I have that regal touch
For doing nothing much.

(MOM and DAD enter.)

STAR: Mom! Guess what?!

MOM: What is it?

STELLA and STAR: We're applying for a job!

(MOM and DAD both collapse momentarily, or nearly faint, then stand back up, clearly in shock)

DAD: I think I just had my first senior moment. I could have sworn you said you were going to apply for a job.

STELLA: Yes, and we need to go right now!

MOM: Why, that's wonderful! We're just a little, well, stunned.

DAD: Staggered. Astounded.

STAR: Okay, okay.

DAD: Dazed. Flabbergasted.

STELLA (annoyed): We get it!

MOM: Didn't you tell us last week that your ambition in life is to win the lottery and spend the money building a house out of Oreos?

STAR (proudly): Double Stuf.

STELLA: But we've found the perfect job. Here, you can read all about it. We have to go find the right shoes for the interview.
(Hands the paper to MOM; SHE and STAR race off.)

STAR: I have a pair of pink stilettos that I've been dying to try out.
(THEY exit)

MOM: Let's see what they're so excited about.
(SHE starts to read the ad. CINDERELLA enters)

CINDERELLA (pointing in the direction where STELLA and STAR went): Hey, what's with them?

DAD: Believe it or not, your stepsisters are applying for a job.

CINDERELLA: A job? What kind of job?

MOM (looking up from the paper): It's for director of environmental cleanup for the Prince's new agency. And the interviews are today only! No wonder the girls are in such a hurry.

CINDERELLA (excited): Clean up? I live to clean things up. And I love the environment--all my cleaning supplies are eco-friendly and green-approved. This is amazing--I'm going to make the kingdom smudge-free!

DAD and MOM look at each other, then to the audience, then back to each other): This is all happening so fast!

Song 3

Listen to a sample!

DAD and MOM:
We are so happy for them
We have to sing a song
Opportunities like this one rarely come along
A paycheck in her hand
We'd just be overjoyed
To actually have a daughter who's gainfully employed!

Any one of them could get it
We really don't know who.

DAD (to MOM):
It's just I have a few concerns
I want to share with you.

My daughter has issues.
I mustn't mince words.
She spends her time talking
With vermin and birds.
I fear that this job will
Bring nothing but strife
I fear they'll reject her and scar her for life.

We are so happy for them
We have to sing a song
Opportunities like this one rarely come along
A paycheck in her hand
We'd just be overjoyed
To actually have a daughter who's gainfully employed!

Any one of them could get it
We really don't know who.

MOM (to DAD):
It's just I have a few concerns
I want to share with you.

You have a good point there
I see where you're at
The prince said "bilingual" not "fluent in rat"
My daughters so rarely
Will get off their bums...
This might be our one chance to get them incomes.

DAD and MOM:
We are so happy for them
We have to sing a song.

DAD: Well, I guess we know what we have to do.
Girls! Stella, Star, Cinderella! Could you come in here for a second?

MOM (to DAD): Are you sure about this?

DAD (nodding): We have to protect Cinderella. She's not ready for this.

(STELLA, STAR, and CINDERELLA enter. CINDERELLA should have some cleaning implement. Maybe she has a mop and starts mopping the walls. STELLA and STAR are dressed in some silly fashion--to keep it simple, perhaps they just have really big hats. Anyhow, it's clearly something THEY think would attract the Prince rather than something appropriate for a job interview.)

MOM (surprised, to her daughters): What are you wearing?

STAR: It brings out my eyes, don't you think?

STELLA: The Prince won't be able to resist me. Uh, resist hiring me, I mean.

MOM: Those are not appropriate outfits for a job interview.
(SHE checks her watch)
Ack! We only have a few hours. We need to go shopping right now!

STAR: Shopping? Stella, did you hear that?! We're going shopping!

STELLA (excited): I know. This job thing just gets better and better.

MOM: Well come on, we don't have much time. Let's take the hybrid.

(STELLA and STAR look at each other fearfully as they exit with MOM. CINDERELLA starts to follow.)

DAD: Uh, Cinderella? Could I talk to you for a minute?

CINDERELLA (stops, turns around): Me? Sure, Dad. But I need to go shopping too. I don't have anything to wear but these rags.

DAD: Cinderella...

CINDERELLA: I mean literally, all I wear is rags.
That way I can spray myself with cleaner and roll on stuff to quickly dust, clean, shine, and protect.

DAD: Cinderella--

CINDERELLA: But I'm sure the palace is spotless. I won't have to roll down any dusty old stairs like I did at your company barbecue.

DAD (cringing): Cinderella, please listen. You aren't going shopping. You're not going to the job interview.

(This concludes the first one-third of the script.)

The Songs

Click on any song to listen to a snippet. Click the cart icon to purchase any track for $1.


Common Core and Other National Standards

Language Arts

History/Social Studies

National Core Arts Standards



obsessive grout intervention rodent
eponym AWOL crannies slats
buff (v.) prestigious hybrid figurehead
staggered astounded reputation dazed
flabbergasted stilettos vermin ills
bilingual fluent scathing traumatized
executive disclosure residue mutated
befall stewardship apropos legacy
shoddy journalism composure disconcerted
hue chartreuse discern counterpart
verdant pristine prime (colors) sublime
Julian calendar Roman numerals headset base (math)
retinal scanner interfere PowerPoint presentation
driver, mouse (computing)

Phrases and Expressions

"eco-friendly" "green-approved" "gainfully employed"
"mince words" "fast-talker" "go-getter"
"senior moment" "mover and shaker" "rubbing elbows"
"wheeler-dealer" "blow this joint" "business casual"
"accoutrement of commerce" "trending down" "looking down [one's] nose"
"chew you up and spit you out" "brains of the operation" "lockdown mode"